*Not exhaustive, not ranked, and really just a drop in the bucket

  1. They are still married.
  2. They gave me (and the planet) the gift of two amazing sisters.
  3. They decided to purchase a set of encyclopedias as an investment.
  4. Growing up, I never worried if I was going to eat that day.
  5. Growing up, I never feared for my safety at home.
  6. They paid for, attended, and supported many different sports seasons for my sisters and I. (Soccer, baseball, swimming, volleyball, gymnastics, tennis…)
  7. They took us on road trips to visit National Parks, relatives, mountains, cities.
  8. They value education, community, family, honesty, and a diversity of points of views.
  9. They listen, and share what insights they have.
  10. They host family gatherings and help maintain family relationships with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.
  11. They have a garden, and well-maintained yard.
  12. They didn’t let us have a video game system at our house, but did let us go to friends’ houses to play.
  13. They are funny and knowledgeable, and have a wealth of experiences to share.
  14. They model healthy drinking.
  15. They enjoy being outside.
  16. They subscribe to multiple newspapers.
  17. They are amazing grandparents.
  18. They have spent most of their lives trying to educate, inspire, and help kids as teachers.
  19. They are good Scrabble players.
  20. They value travel, and other countries.
  21. They are very different individuals, but together provide different perspectives and interests that are evident in their children and grandchildren.
  22. When I hear the words mom, dad, family, and home, the words are positive and fill my mind with joyful memories.

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